Writing and getting the pictures for a story is just the first part of the battle. Placing the story in a way that is appealing to the eye and will captivate the audience is just as important. While my news pages are fairly set in stone in terms of design and layout, I have had the opportunity to design special pages and yearbook pages that allow me to try new things and expand my experience.
Year in Review
As my first yearbook page that I've designed, this page was somewhat difficult to design. Keeping it in-line with the theme set was difficult considering I don't attend the class or design multiple pages to get practice with it. However, speaking the the yearbook's editor in chief, along with the basic trial and error got me to this end result. In this spread, I appreciate how some pictures stand out, and how the collage of picture expands from top to bottom. The overlapping of lines in the yearbook theme was also interesting to work with.
Reno Storms Area 51
Creating the assembly coverage pages is always fun, especially because there is more room to be creative as opposed to a more block story page. With the assembly coverage, I try to find a unique font for headlines to give the page a new look to avoid being repetitive throughout the news section. I also make use of multiple picture arranged in a collage, paired with the story.
In-Depth Coverage
In-Depth is an interesting section considering it is never the same between issues, and we have the full ability to design it any way we choose fit. In previous year, the center spread has been more text heavy, which was a concern for us considering most students may not fully read this spread even though it has important information within. This year, I have been utilizing more graphics and color to draw the reader's eye in, while still providing enough information the the spread is beneficial.
Food Review Page
We revamped our review section this year, and added a full-page food review. This review is done by each editor and compiled onto one page with unique design showcasing the review topic. The challenges that I have faced with page are creating a design that isn't repetitive and something that goes along with the theme of the food. I utilize different graphics and collages, along with fonts that match the theme to create a cohesive page.